Nord Stream 1
Nord Streams business model is to provide gas transportation capacity for the natural gas coming from western Russia for distribution into the European gas grid. Nord Stream is an ultra-reliable and technologically advanced route for Russian gas supplies to the European Union. Never Worry About Energy Again Energy Solutions Nord Germany Poland Russia The new pipeline similar to the one in operation will establish a direct link between Gazprom and the European consumers. . The construction was started on December 9 2005 and the gas in the first conduit began to flow on November 8 2011. O consórcio encarregado de construir e operar é o Nord Stream AG. In December 2000 the European Commission included Nord Stream as a priority project into the Trans-European Network for Energy TEN-E Guidelines. The pipes would run across the Baltic Sea for the most part following the route of the pre-existing Nord Stream 1 pipeline which becam...